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Chatsworth Baptist Church is financed entirely by its members and regular givers i.e what people give on a Sunday morning or through a standing order, is what we live on.


We do not receive any funding from other bodies or organisations, although we do raise some funds by renting our halls and rooms, and from legacies and gifts.


From Sunday services to youth activities, prayer times and pastoral visiting, cultural celebrations, job clubs, Alpha courses, small groups & more, we run on people's desire to be part of the family of God here at Chatsworth.

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We're raising money to cover the cost of our building works - new boilers, associated pipework, radiators, new ceilings & lights, rewiring too... 

Scan the code or visit our dedicated page:



or click here


Gift & Pledge form

Standing Order form

Gift Aid form

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Giving toward the replacement of our boilers & associated works


With our boilers not working and other areas of the building identified as needing work, we are facing a considerable challenge.

Please be prayerfully considering how you may give:

A Gift
e.g. if 50 people gave £2,000, we could pay for Phase One and get our heating working for the winter

A Pledge
e.g. if 100 people pledged to give £30 a month
over a period of years

A Loan
e.g. if you were able to fear the church
an interest free loan for a period of time

Bank details for Chatsworth Baptist Church

Chatsworth Baptist Church  RCN 1131202


Sort code: 09 07 24


Account number:  50537080

Give regularly by Standing Order

STANDING ORDER allows your bank to transfer to the church a regular amount each month. We prefer this method of giving as it enables the church to plan.


You can download a STANDING ORDER form here to send to your bank above.

Gift Aid

GIFT AID means that your giving to the Church is considered a gift, as the Church is a charity and can claim back tax i.e. if you give £100, the Church can claim back £25 from  the Government from the tax you paid them.


Please fill in the Gift Aid form and send to the Church. Form above.

Text Message

Mobile Phone

TEXT MESSAGE You can also give by text message.

If you text CBC3 to 70711, you will donate £3, CBC5 for £5 and CBC10 for £10.

You will be charged the chosen donation amount plus one message at your standard network rate. Chatsworth Baptist Church will receive 100% of your donation less processing fees.

You can provide consent for Chatsworth Baptist Church to claim an additional 25% tax benefit known as Gift Aid on your donation by following the link provided.

QR code



Each of these codes gives you the opportunity to enter your details so we can claim Gift Aid: this increases the value of your gift by 25%. Please do this if you pay tax in the UK.

QR code


QR CODE GENERAL FUND A new way to give to the work of the church. You can scan the QR codes below: one is for giving to the general fund and the second for giving to the Building Fund.

Each of these codes gives you the opportunity to enter your details so we can claim Gift Aid: this increases the value of your gift by 25%. Please do this if you pay tax in the UK.


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CONTACTLESS we can now accept payments, gifts and offerings with our contactless machine. â€‹It accepts payments from a debit or credit card or your smartphone.



Online Giving

ONLINE GIVING means we have the facility to accept gifts online through Stewardship: should you wish your gift to be for something specific, such as youth work or building fund, please specify when making the gift.


Click here

Offering Envelopes

OFFERING ENVELOPES are available on request or at the back of the church. They are helpful in planning your giving and for the Church to reclaim Gift Aid if you qualify when you give cash or a cheque.

Building Fund

BUILDING FUND is a separate fund to maintain and improve and adapt our buildings; we replaced the Goodwin Hall roof a couple of years ago and the Sanctuary was refurbished before that. There are other improvements and updates to be made, including windows, heating, decoration, and changes to some areas. A number of Members give separately and regularly to the fund.

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